
Should industry profits

The current industrial profits higher, evident in the field of some monopoly industries.The national bureau of statistics, according to a report in July 1, 2013 industry profits are mainly xs long radius 90 degree welded carbon steel elbow concentrated in the electric power, heat production and supply industry, computer, communications, and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry, oil processing and coking and nuclear fuel processing industry, automobile manufacturing.

Pull the four industry above designated size industrial enterprises the main profit growth of 10.5%. While the remaining 37 industry's main activities combined profits to reduce 29.37 billion yuan, profit growth will industrial enterprises above designated size's 7D Butt Welded Bend Pipe fittings main activities down by 8.7%. "July industrial enterprise profit growth has improved, but the new profit only focus on a few industries, the enterprise profit level is still low." He ping conclusion is given.

In addition to the textile, clothing, shoes, furniture and other industries, the coal mining industry profits decline is ASTM A234-WPB butt-weld carbon steel cap larger, July 1 - a 43.9% drop in profits; Oil and gas industry profits fell 9.5%.Beijing huang teng long trade consultancy experts now coal profit is the main reason of the decline in its price is too high, the regulating function of market economy have can make contradiction, coal demand decreases, lead to coal prices fell again, and the downward trend will continue to decline, at least to fall as the world's average cost level, can eliminate excess capacity.

In addition, vice chairman of the China federation of logistics and purchasing Cai Jin pointed out that at present, some industry profit margins is low, and the transformation of the economy as a whole, some industry overcapacity serious about. "The next step to set out to reform, and better to delegate, some more active market dynamic policy." Cai Jin said.

Technology, management and business models

Pay special attention to the "technology, management and business model" three innovation, strengthen the enterprise vitality and vigor. Iron and steel industry to achieve transformation and upgrading, to focus on innovation as the power, focusing on technical innovation, improve product quality, reduce production costs, reduce energy consumption and R=3D 45 degree Pipe Fitting Bend pollutant emissions, improve market share, enhance core competitiveness, to create "production and increase production efficiency and quality, increase efficiency" the development of the new model. On the innovation of innovation focus on the following three aspects:

One is the technology innovation. This is the business enterprise inside the core of the "hard" innovation, technology innovation large diameter ASTM end cap for water pipe including the "new product research and development innovation" and "technology innovation" two aspects. To increase investment in research and development, to promote the construction of the enterprise independent innovation system, through the "production - study - research - with" technology innovation and technology innovation platform for the 89mm SCH40 Seamless steel pipe and tube construction of the alliance, set up the partnership with strategic users, expand enterprise innovation new product development and applications, a stable customer base, gaining new market space. For technological innovation at the same time, to solve the high consumption, high emission in the process of production, to realize green development, make the traditional industry to glow the new vitality of iron and steel;

The second is management innovation. This is the business enterprise inside the "soft" innovation, including the enterprise organizational innovation and corporate culture innovation. The first-class mechanism system make the first-class enterprise and the first-class products. Enterprises shall be added in the reform, through the internal organization structure optimization, to facilitate enterprises to establish internal business profit center plate operation pattern and the production management, responsibility system for internal management, establish enterprise internal strict management system and efficient operating mechanism. At the same time, through cultural innovation, combine cultivation culture and cultivate brand, establish management with the characteristic of enterprise culture.

Three is business model innovation. This is the innovation of the enterprise profit model, from pure iron and steel enterprise manufacturing enterprise transformation to a service-oriented enterprises, by implementing the procurement mode, marketing mode, financing mode innovation, vigorously with the depth of the integration of informatization and industrialization, the transition of business operation mode.


Fitch believes China mobile limited profitability OTT

One of the three major rating agencies fitch, 16, said China mobile's revenue growth and profitability forecast will be subject to other telecom companies and OTT service competition.

OTT is to point to in the operation of the Internet service, the provider does not need to set up the physical concentric reducer steel pipe fittings network, but relying on the operators to provide Internet operations, such as familiar with micro letter, QQ, Skype and other services.

Fitch believes that although the expected growth of 3 g services in the first half of 2013 will continue, but due to the data service margin profit margin is generally lower than the traditional long radius butt weld pipe elbow voice services, operating cash flow will basically remained stable. Fitch estimates that China mobile's 3 g revenue rose 96% from a year in the first half of this year, this will offset due to fierce competition and voice data instead of business led to a decline in their voice and text messaging business income.

However, fitch is expected in the next two to three years, China mobile users and services revenue market share will continue to hydraulic equal tee pipe fitting decline gradually. China mobile's earnings will slow its growth and profitability faced by OTT alternative pressure of competition. In the first half of 2013, China mobile is still from the traditional voice and SMS gain 69% of their revenues, the plate can obtain higher profit but also faces more alternative risk.

Fitch believes that China mobile to speed up to the td-scdma LTE 4 g technology licences will help to reduce the weakness in the field of mobile data. Poor China mobile's 3 g business development has made the company began to lose some high-end mobile users to the end.Recently, the state council issued to promote information consumption policy, including issues of 4 g licences before the end of 2013, and we will accelerate the development of td-scdma LTE guidance.


Supply chain control is refers to through the motions

Though the supply chain has repeatedly been criticized, but apple seems to be in a supply chain "repeatedly made the whole 114mm carbon seamless steel pipe china suppliers repeatedly, and the whole recidivism" mire and cannot extricate oneself.

Chinese enterprises newspaper reporter noted that in early August 2013 was five environmental group is located in high-tech short radius 90 degree elbow industrial development zone of kunshan city named dingxin electronic, caused the sensation in the August 2011 apple supplier survey impressively in the column.

In February this year, the media supplier for apple kunshan pollution problem during the visit, found the rectification is not completely solved, ding xin electronics companies such as the impact on the surrounding environment has been reduced, but its emissions are still affecting the astm a234 seamless carbon steel tee surrounding residents.Make broad enterprise management consulting company, chief expert tan small fang in an interview with Chinese enterprises newspaper reporter said, seemingly apple has a supplier to prevent pollution regulations, but in the actual process, these are just a pro.

On August 16, the relevant person in charge of the research centre for Chinese labor HuaHaiFeng in an interview with Chinese enterprises newspaper reporter said that the reason that apple's supply chain problems, "the key is the apple when accounting the product cost, profit, the raw materials and artificial cost, profit margin is very clear. As foundry enterprise, without the brand and technology, the profit is very low."

It is understood that foxconn margin of 1.7% in the first half of this year, and pegatron is only 0.8%. According to relevant data, foxconn, apple's profit chain inside, only 2% of the share in the profits. And can realize the share in the profits but also lower than that of foxconn.

An apple said publicly that PCB PCB supplier for raw materials procurement prices sharply interacting, to some extent led to the happening of the pollution.HuaHaiFeng introduction, "raw materials is the market price, this can't save. So part of apple's suppliers had to targeting other costs, such as environmental protection, staff wages, labor insurance, etc."

HuaHaiFeng also told reporters that "apple suppliers had environmental pollution problem is also a reason, foundry enterprise profit is low, and the high price of environmental protection equipment hardware, general contract enterprises. Even afford, late maintenance and operation cost is very high, so the environmental protection equipment can save a province foundry enterprises, can't open, don't open, discharges, events caused by this."

International capital inflows slowdown and market-based reform of interest rates

Experienced in June capital extremely nervous situation, in recent two months, tight finances have been present state, and the central bank in the open market "lock short put long operation," let the market participants are always afraid to treat STH lightly, coupled with the 6" sch80 galvanized carbon steel pipe slowdown in international capital inflows and the market-based reform of interest rates and other factors, the rise is expected cost of capital is considerable.

On August 19, according to data, the Shanghai interbank offered rate (Shibor) short term rose across the board. Among them, the overnight rate rose 19.4 basis points to 3.403%. Seven-day rate rose 32 basis points, to 4.092%; 14 days interest rates rose 133.3 basis points, to 5.156%. One-month rate rose 36.5 basis points, to 4.925%.Were routed in the inter-bank bond market, the repo rate sharply upward, varieties of 14 days long radius butt weld pipe elbow and 21 days varieties respectively up 154.2 basis points and 120.6 basis points, to 5.359% and 5.376%.
From the point of the primary market, dealers association yesterday's non-financial corporate debt financing tool pricing valuation, according to the time limit valuations are lifted up, including 10 years and within each rating valuation varieties rises is more apparent, more than 8 basis points.

No positive repurchase due this week on the open market, and 26 billion yuan in 16 billion yuan bill time reverse repurchase due; If the carbon steel threaded connections tee central bank in the open market without any operation, this week will be drained a net 10 billion yuan.

"The central bank should continue to do reverse repurchase operation, are likely to increase the scale of operation, the interest rate should be stable or decreased." A city firm financial marketing researcher told our reporter, "the current financing area has been relatively tight, national debt is issued, the local government debt and debt-financed are struggling, the central bank will not let this situation continue."

Last week, the central bank to continue to carry out reverse repo, the scale of the varieties of 7 and 14 days is 11 billion yuan and 28 billion yuan respectively, as well as a sequel to the 75.5 billion yuan three-year bill; Combined with bill and reverse repurchase of the previous period expires, the influence of the week to open market net 47.5 billion yuan; If given another 50 billion yuan Treasury deposit account, the net quantity was closer to 100 billion yuan.